From Overworked & Overwhelmed to a Thriving Business Throughout Pregnancy & Postpartum


When Tracey joined The Scale Collective™, she was a successful marketing agency owner who was thrilled about her pregnancy but stuck in a tough spot with her business. She had a team but was still working a lot in her business, and she would like more time to work on it so she can scale to the next level with ease and prepare for the birth of her little one.

She faced a dilemma: she was worried that becoming a mom would affect her agency's ability to scale and thrive.

Right away, we analyzed her business's Revenue Engines™. Our tools quickly identified which of her services were profitable and which weren't.

Through our Offer Audit™, we restructured her pricing to cover her needs, pay her team, and ensure her agency's profitability. We didn't stop there; we identified her most impactful offer and streamlined her services to focus on what mattered.

Then came the Dream Team™ build-out: we reshaped her team, assigning roles to each member's strengths, significantly reducing Tracey's need to be involved in every little task and granting her the time and freedom she desperately needed.

Now, Tracey is still a successful agency owner. She's also a proud mom with a business that is significantly on autopilot with minimal time requirements so she can spend more time with her beautiful baby girl, Evie.

Her business thrives with a focused service offering and a team that handles the day-to-day, allowing her to focus on what matters most.

The Scale Collective has space for 1 more women entrepreneur this month, ready to create a business that pays them the salary they need and offers the time flexibility they desire. 

If you want more information, please DM me with the word SCALE, and I will send it over.


From Solo Hustle To Scaling Success