Learning To Listen To Your Inner Voice In Stillness With Nadine Moffatt

“I was a doer of many things, and I loved doing all of them — and at the same time, my messaging was a little bit jumbled.”

- Nadine Moffatt

As an action-focused entrepreneur, you may not often create the space and the quiet you need to listen to your inner voice… but putting in that effort can lead to incredible benefits!

My guest Nadine Moffatt has been referred to as, and resonates with, the words mystic, lightworker, channel, intuit, healer, guide, Nordic Witch, and empath. She began her awakening journey 25 years ago and has learned the value of embracing stillness and listening to her inner wisdom. As an Intuitive Coach and Energy Healer, she guides others to move into a deeper awareness and connection within themselves.

In this episode, Nadine and I explore the power of tapping into your deeper wisdom and clearing static from your inner antenna. Listen now to learn about her inspiring journey, how she put her own unique spin on coaching, and how the pandemic pushed her right out of her comfort zone (and why she is so grateful that it did!).

You’ll discover:‌ ‌

  • How she narrowed down her niche and found clarity and alignment

  • The difference between masculine and feminine energies — and how we should use both

  • What reiki is and how it can help you access breakthroughs 

About Guest: Nadine Moffatt works internationally as an Intuitive Coach and Energy Healer, grounded in the desire to guide others inward, to connect with their best and highest selves. She continues along her own path of healing, guided in mentorship, working to embody her learnings. Overjoyed to share it all with her teen twins and a fur baby named Charlie, she spends her downtime walking by the water and connecting with nature.

Highlights:‌ ‌

00:01  Intro

05:00  Meet Nadine Moffatt

08:00  Pandemic shift & finding clarity

11:30  Inner voice, energies & surrender

17:09  Creating space for emotions

18:49  Gender roles

19:55  Reiki experience

25:30  Trusting the messages

28:17  What she knows now

32:10  What’s next


Nadine Moffatt




Instagram: @becoming_still 

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